Historically, many allow their workplace culture to fall into its own rhythm, without shaping it for what would be ideal, what those who are stakeholders would want it to look like, act like, and represent for them. Often, missteps often include:
Incorporating management/leadership styles that threaten employee loyalty, engagement and retention.
The creation of policies, procedures and programs that replicate what other companies do rather than fitting the work environment of our own specific organization.
Feigning ignorance over the effect of our behaviors as leaders are affecting the formation and sustainability of our culture.
Failure to communicate a clear and inspiring purpose statement, mission, vision, and set of company and individual team values.
Office environments that are dull, dirty, and generally unimpressive - or overly pretentious, overtly cold and sterile.
The hiring of staff/employees who just don't fit in the vibe.
Observation, evaluation , and a true commitment to defining the rhythm of your workplace culture - both today and how you see it in the future - are integral to organizational ecstasy (workplace happiness). How do the factors above contribute or restrict the desired culture you seek to nurture? Culture has momentum. It, like everything, is always changing, if not by observation alone. Make it a priority to address. Your stakeholder’s happiness and bottom line depend on it.