Management and Leadership Mindset Coaching
Recovery Model for Team and Organizational Development & Transformation
"The only thing human beings who breathe a breath have in common are birth, death and belonging." ~ Sebene Salassie
Nurturing an organizational culture that is reflective of the constituents and communities served and are respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences at all levels:
Upper Management/Executives
Middle Management
Lower Management
All Levels
Mindset: Release Self Limiting Beliefs
Recognizing Different Sensory Styles relate in different "languages" :
Visuals ~ Imagery language
Tonals ~ Words that infer sounds or listening
Kinesthetics ~ Language that expresses feeling and physical sensation
Digitals ~ Language Conveying Concepts
Active Listening implementation
Moving from the Separation realm to Unity Mindset
Observing the fragility of change
Learning to Learn
Building empathy with & for others
Celebrating the resilience of human spirit
Communicating through words & actions
Conflict as a means to expansion
Incorporating empowerment of stillness
Acknowledging & supporting individual priorities
Accountability to self & others
Breeding Self Determination vs. Learned Helplessness
Decreasing social loafers and free-riders who benefit from the team but give little in return
Increases employee retention and expansion in acquisition with like-minded, aligned talent
Coming together to create a conscious business with these tenets in mind:
Mission & Engagement
Corporate Accountability
Ethics & Integrity
Positive Impact for employees, communities, & the environment
Innovating from within and creating In-trepreneurs to grow your organization
Sample Techniques, Tools, and Resources for Creating Workplace Environments of Mutual Respect and High productivity.
Intuitive intelligence markers supporting the rise of Noetic Leadership
Creation of Individual Codes of Ethical Behavior aligned with value and culture
Pioneering in the practice of managing multiple bottom lines
The Mission
How we work with one another & create relationship
Being Profitable
Recognizing, observing and developing clarity around Emotional Elements in the workplace
Disconnecting Triangulation Rapport
Creative Resolution through the "Do you mean?" Conversation
Creating rituals, celebrations, and enriched experiences as a cohesive community
Working through perceived Self-Image Roles (Scapegoat, golden child, hyper-responsibilty-taker, etc)
Uncertainty vs Certainty practice in Thought Exchange
Conflict Resolution: Principled Negotiation - Addressing Emotional Contagion
Undercover Boss perspective
No More Groupthink
Salient Motivational and Compassionate Messaging in Communication
Cultural Destiny: Organizational Locus of Control
Keeping it Creative: Cooperation does not equal Conformity
Assess De-individuation, Group polarization, and other Influences affecting stakeholder behavior
Activate Cultural Priming: release what is no longer relevant and find common alignments in value system
Inter/Intra-group dynamics Uncovered
Outraspection as a means to understand others
The Intuitive Voice of Leadership - Visioning Process
Reframing Work/Life Priorities
Transforming Conflict through Active Listening
Blame-Free Non Manipulative Communication
Expressing Respect: The ways we are the Same/The ways we are different
Reconsider hierarchy of leadership
Bottom up ideation
Proactive approach to Cooperative Communication, reciprocal perspectives and benefits
Creating infrastructure around What Works for patterning and repeatability
Discuss in the open, what's NOT being talked about
Understanding the Interdependence of all action and inaction
Playbook: Is the Abilene Paradox leading you astray